01 B 14 A: I heard the race was exciting. B: Yes, and because of the accident at the start, it was ________ race we'd ever witnessed. (A) a very exciting (B) the most exciting (C) an exciting (D) the exciting 02 D 14 A: Did you enjoy Hallowe'en last night. B: Not really. There were many ________ noises in the neighborhood, the kids couldn't sleep. (A) scare (B) having scare (C) scared (D) scarey 03 A 14 A: Was Cal always a great baseball player? B: No, as a child, he was not considered a particularly ________ boy. (A) athletic (B) athlete (C) athletically (D) athletes 04 D 14 A: Patricia Silva is a great volleyball player. She must have a strong will to succeed. B: Yes, she does, but it was through alot of ________ by her coach that she went on to be one of the top women volleyball players in the world. (A) Encourage (B) Encouraging (C) Encourages (D) Encouragment 05 D 14 A: What did the paper say about yesterday's show? B: " The ________ audience watched the dolphins perform incredible acrobatics. " (A) amaze (B) amazing (C) amazingly (D) amazed 06 A 14 A: You should think twice before ________ your promise. B: I have to finish this report. I can take him to the circus tomorrow. (A) Breaking (B) Broke (C) Broken (D) Breaks 07 B 14 A: What does the paper say about the riot at the concert last night? B: "________ around the singer, the fans were hardly able to let him pass." (A) Crowds (B) Crowding (C) To crowd (D) Crowd 08 A 14 A: You should have seen the new teacher with her class yesterday. B: I did. She was surrounded by the __________ children who listened to every word she said. (A) fascinated (B) fascinatingly (C) fascinating (D) fascinate